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Fall Leaf Earrings
Beauty & Fashion

Etsy Roundup: Gorgeous Leaf Earrings for Fall

Whether you’re waiting patiently for the equinox or are recognizing the season a little early, the time to start preparing your fall wardrobe is definitely here. Along with tweed, silks, 70s rusts for the day, and bold 80s wear for the nights fall leaf…

September 12, 2018
Umbra Shift Geometric Bottle Opener
Design & Home

Bottle Openers That Look Like Tchotchkes

The first time I saw these sleek little geometric bottle openers, I honestly thought they were just random knickknacks for bookshelves and end tables. Don’t get me wrong, I loved them, but when I read what they actually were (a whole two seconds later)…

January 30, 2017