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Absolut Elyx Tangerine Olive Cocktail
Food & Drink

’Tis the Season for Cozy Copper Cocktail Parties

Over the last few years, Joe and I have been slowly building a healthy appreciation for the cocktail and fine spirit scene. The journey probably started with us learning how to properly enjoy a good whiskey and then mezcal a little later, with other…

November 24, 2017
Butternut Squash Sage Cheese Sauce with Asparagus and Pancetta Fnished Wide
Food & Drink

What a Traditional Italian-Inspired Holiday Season Tastes Like

Thanks to having a wonderful Sicilian-American mother, some of my family’s holiday traditions aren’t exactly what you would find in typical households—mostly when it comes to food. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all of them. As far as Thanksgiving goes, you’d probably be…

November 8, 2017
Garlic Rosemary Pumpkin Seeds Finished
Food & Drink

Garlic Rosemary Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

If you haven’t learned by now that I’m a weirdo for rosemary, now you know. After I finished gutting my pumpkins this year, of course I wasn’t just going to waste the opportunity to roast the pumpkin seeds. However, I didn’t want to make…

October 29, 2014
Underwood Family Farms Fall Harvest Festival Sugar Babies

Spectacular Fall Harvest Festival Just North of LA

If you happen to find yourself in the Los Angeles area on a fall weekend you should definitely pop over to Underwood Family Farms for their annual Fall Harvest Festival. Celebrating their 17th anniversary this year, the fair is absolutely perfect for city-dwellers who…

October 21, 2014