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Etsy Wallpaper Roundup
Design & Home

Etsy Roundup: Trendy Wallpaper for 2018

From my early adolescence until just recently, I couldn’t really understand why people used wallpaper. (Unfortunately, this is when I discovered that I had very strong opinions about EVERYTHING and decided EVERYONE needed to know them.) Sure, it was a great way to add a…

February 9, 2018
Society6 Food Art Prints
Arts & Entertainment

Society6 Art Prints That Feed Your Love of Food

If you happen to have a healthy, Liz-Lemon-sized obsession with food, but can’t quite bring yourself to frame a low-quality photo of your favorite meal on your wall, you’re not alone. Sure, it would make you happy every time you saw it, but it…

January 31, 2018
Floral Tops for Spring
Beauty & Fashion

16 Favorite Frilly Floral Tops for Spring

I’m not sure exactly when it started, but over the last few years I’ve really solidified my keen obsession with floral prints. Floral dresses, floral pants, floral tops, floral rompers—I’ll take literally anything you want to throw at me. I didn’t have much of…

April 27, 2017