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Flower Constellations with Stars
Design & Home

Flower Constellations Make Lovely Minimalistic Arrangements

Flower frogs are beautiful little creations originally invented centuries ago in Japan, with modern versions cropping up in the late 1800s. Made to keep even the most finicky flower arrangements in place, the handy little tools can be found in many different varieties. Some…

June 26, 2018
Floral Tops for Spring
Beauty & Fashion

16 Favorite Frilly Floral Tops for Spring

I’m not sure exactly when it started, but over the last few years I’ve really solidified my keen obsession with floral prints. Floral dresses, floral pants, floral tops, floral rompers—I’ll take literally anything you want to throw at me. I didn’t have much of…

April 27, 2017
Miun Flower Sculptures
Arts & Entertainment

Flower Sculptures for Curious Imaginations

There are few things that I love more than the weird and wonderful that is the Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini, but one that definitely makes the list is when I find something that shares that same vibe of peculiar. So you can imagine…

January 25, 2017
Ten Bamboo Studio collection of calligraphy and painting Tree Fan
Arts & Entertainment

Exquisite First Douban-Printed Books Now Digital

Thanks to the University of Cambridge, Hu Zhengyan’s douban-printed Shizhuzhai shuhua pu, or ‘A Manual of Calligraphy and Painting from the Ten Bamboo Studio’ (Nanjing, China), can now be enjoyed in its entirety by anyone with an internet connection. The book series was originally…

August 17, 2015
Chemical Apparatus Joseph Priestley Beautiful Chemistry Beautiful Reactions
Arts & Entertainment

Chemistry Shown in Beautiful New Ways

In 1899, German Biologist, Ernst Haeckel, published his book Art Forms in Nature, depicting the strangely beautiful forms that occur in exotic marine and microscopic life. The publication, wonderfully successful in its time, was able to bring the wonder and beauty that scientists see…

October 10, 2014