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Miun Flower Sculptures
Arts & Entertainment

Flower Sculptures for Curious Imaginations

There are few things that I love more than the weird and wonderful that is the Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini, but one that definitely makes the list is when I find something that shares that same vibe of peculiar. So you can imagine…

January 25, 2017
Cruise Carnival Vista Crete

Always A Different Day On The Carnival Vista Cruise

This past May, I embarked on the Carnival Vista for a 10-day cruise through the Mediterranean and it. was. AMAZING! Being my first ever, I didn’t know what to expect going in, and now that it’s behind me, I have to admit that I’m…

June 21, 2016
Glass Water Prisms From Love Adorned
Design & Home

Dazzling Water Prisms From Love Adorned

These simple water prisms are a gorgeous ornament for any window. Truth be told, I have a pretty solid obsession with colored glass. The way the light hits it, the texture it adds to a room, the variety of shapes and sizes… I can’t…

September 28, 2015
Ten Bamboo Studio collection of calligraphy and painting Tree Fan
Arts & Entertainment

Exquisite First Douban-Printed Books Now Digital

Thanks to the University of Cambridge, Hu Zhengyan’s douban-printed Shizhuzhai shuhua pu, or ‘A Manual of Calligraphy and Painting from the Ten Bamboo Studio’ (Nanjing, China), can now be enjoyed in its entirety by anyone with an internet connection. The book series was originally…

August 17, 2015