Featured Image These stunning pieces depicting so many moving women from all walks of life were created by talented Singapore-based artist and textile designer Vix Harris. Born in the UK, Harris has been calling a motley of places around the world home since she…
We’ve all known for a while that cross stitching is no longer just for grandmothers, but what Saint Petersburg artist Vera Shimunia is putting together is in a league of its own. From rainbow sunsets over flower-filled fields to textured foliage under starry winter…
If you happen to have a healthy, Liz-Lemon-sized obsession with food, but can’t quite bring yourself to frame a low-quality photo of your favorite meal on your wall, you’re not alone. Sure, it would make you happy every time you saw it, but it…
If you happen to be a fan of art and haven’t quite hit your quota for feeling unsettled today, might I suggest these paintings by artist Igor Gusev? They’re exactly what they look like, reimaginings of classic paintings made to look as though they were…
Everyone has those items that they genuinely can’t get enough of. Not so much in an obsessive kind of way, but where any time you have the opportunity to utilize that idea or object or even just focus your attention on it, you know…
Believe it or not, these gorgeous Transience Mirrors were created using the same natural process that occurs in all silver-backed mirrors, given enough time. By applying something as simple as sulfur, artists David Derksen and Lex Pott were able to accelerate and manipulate the…
If you happened to be in need of a daily dose of pretty, this should hopefully do the trick. In his photo series, Bloom, photographer Owen Silverwood uses colored powder to give extra dimensions of movement and beauty to already gorgeous subjects: flowers. I think…
There are few things that I love more than the weird and wonderful that is the Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini, but one that definitely makes the list is when I find something that shares that same vibe of peculiar. So you can imagine…
It’s not quite the same as those paintings made by horses, but this kaleidoscopic wasp nest is definitely on the list of animal-created art I’m excited about. Made possible by Mattia Menchetti in an experiment done at home, these European Paper Wasps were simply…